recovery and crisis centre
tlamacazapa women's wellness centre, tlamacazapa, Guerrero
Donating time and resources to this splendid cause, RK designed a 13,000 sq. ft. Women’s Wellness Centre in a destitute region of Mexico in order to help the Nahua women succeed regardless of the poverty-stricken life they were born into. The building itself houses multiple birthing rooms, examination rooms, as well as a classroom where elders teach midwifery. Dually acting as a Crisis Centre, the Wellness Centre’s design also incorporates sleeping rooms that provide safe, temporary shelter for those in need, as well as a therapy unit and beds for volunteers.
Daycare space and additional classrooms also comprise this design, which was created with sustainability in mind, and which employed modern methods of water collection, dry toilets, and clay/ thatched roofing and materials.