Architecture //
Times are changing, but the need for quality government infrastructure and responsible management of the public purse has not. That’s why Riddell Kurczaba takes so much pride in our collaborations with municipal, provincial and federal entities. These projects serve many purposes—from creating environments to support efficient delivery of services, to designing places that stand as historical or community landmarks—that ensure the fabric of our society remains strong.
“I have been impressed by the thoroughness and attention to detail that RK has shown at each stage of the project. ”
Featured Projects
other select Projects
PWGSC/ Parks Canada - First World War Internment Exhibit Building
PWGSC/ Parks Canada - Rogers Pass Discovery Centre Renovations
Canada Post Corporation - Deerfoot Delivery Centre
Department of National Defence - various projects:
EXCON Building at BATUS (British Army Training Unit Suffield) - “After Action Theater” and associated rooms, the EXCON operation areas, the HICON, FLANKS & OPFOR Room, the AWES Contractors office area, and the EXCON and Commands office area
Logistical Support Building (LSB) - Equipment storage and maintenance facility, repair area and support staff area
Base Transport Building, Land Force Command - 60,000 sq. ft., 17-bay military vehicle maintenance and storage facility
Tank Wash Facility at BATUS - 5,500 sq. ft., four-bay wash facility complete with control rooms
Petroleum Oil Lube Compound at BATUS - Administrative and control office building, a small chemical lab, and a large petroleum products storage building
Camp Crowfoot Kitchen & Mess Hall - Design-Build expansion project for an existing facility at CFB Suffield
OATS Test Facility
Alberta Government Services (Land Titles and Surveys) Relocation
Renovations to Head Smashed In & Frank Slide Interpretive Centres
Fort McMurray Master Accommodation Plan (sub-consultant)
School Facility Audits - 23 school facility audits involving three school divisions (Wild Rose School Division No. 66, Wetaskiwin Regional No. 11, and Wolf Creek School Division No. 72)
Provincial Facility Evaluations - 0.5 level facility evaluation and preliminary roof inventory and condition survey for the following Government of Alberta facilities: Pincher Creek Provincial Building, Pincher Creek Air Terminal, Frank Slide Interpretive Centre, Blairmore Provincial Building, and Bow Crow Forestry Centre
Piper Creek Seniors Lodge - Building condition assessment
The City of Calgary - Bearspaw Water Treatment Plant - Sodium Hypochlorite Facility (SHF) Preliminary Building Elevation Study
The City of Calgary - ENMAX South Service Centre (SSC) Redevelopment Plan various ENMAX business units to SSC
The City of Red Deer - Water Treatment Plant - Office/ Work Space Expansion Conceptual Design Report
The City of Medicine Hat - North & South Booster Stations (design)
The City of Medicine Hat - Power and Water Treatment Plant Offices